Health & Safety Training
Achieve compliance swiftly and affordably with our mandatory Health & Safety courses, designed to meet statutory requirements. Our online courses, CPD accredited and IOSH approved, offer comprehensive training on a range of topics including manual handling, fire safety, food hygiene, and COSHH. Fulfill all your training needs conveniently and effectively.

Our Health & Safety Courses
Abrasive Wheel Safety Training
Accident Reporting Training
Anaphylaxis & Allergies Training for Schools & Carers
Asbestos Awareness Training (+International)
Asthma Awareness Training for Schools & Carers
Banksman Essentials Training
CDM Regulations Training
Confined Spaces Training
CoSHH Training
CPR/AED Refresher Training
Diabetes Awareness Training for Schools & Carers
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Training
Driver Awareness Training
DSEAR – Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations Training
Electrical Safety Training
Epilepsy Training for Schools & Carers
Eye Protection Training
Fire Awareness Training
Fire Extinguisher Training
Fire Warden Training
First Aid Appointed Person Training
First Aid at Work Refresher Training
Emergency First Aid at Work Refresher Training
First Aid Requirements & RIDDOR Training
General Workshop Safety Training
Food Safety & Hygiene Training – Level 1
Food Safety & Hygiene Training – Level 2
Food Safety & Hygiene Training – Level 3
HACCP – Level 2 Training
Hand Arm Vibration Training
Handling Aggressive Behaviour Training
Essential Health & Safety Training
Health & Safety for Homeworkers Training
Infection Prevention & Control Training
Ladder Safety Training
Legionella Awareness Training
LOLER Training
Lone Worker Safety Training
Managing Contractors Training
Manual Handling Training including Tyres
Medication Awareness Training in Care
Moving & Handling People Training
Noise Awareness In The Workplace Training
Paediatric First Aid Refresher Training
Personal Protective Equipment Training (PPE)
PUWER Training
Risk Assessments in the Workplace Training
School Trips for Organisers & Support Training
Sharps Training
Slips, Trips & Falls Training
Working at Height (+International)
Basic Life Support in Care Training (Standard 12 of The Care Certificate)
Medication Awareness Training in Education
Spill Kits Training: Bodily Fluids
Spill Kit Training: Chemicals & Oils
Fire Awareness Training in Care
Fire Awareness Training in Construction
Fire Awareness Training in Education
Fire Warden Training Care Environment
Fire Warden Training Construction Environment
Fire Warden Training Education Environment
Hot Work Training
Manual Handling Training
Dust Awareness Training
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Training
Asbestos Awareness Training
Your Legal Health & Safety Obligations
The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974:
"The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, established by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, serves as the cornerstone legislation governing workplace health, safety, and welfare within the UK. It provides the essential framework and authority for promoting, regulating, and enforcing these standards. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 mandates that all staff must undergo Fire Safety Training."
The Fire Safety Order 2005:
"Introduced in October 2006, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 mandates fire and rescue authorities and other enforcing bodies to oversee fire safety measures in non-domestic premises."
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992:
"The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 apply to individuals classified as 'DSE users'—those who use display screen equipment regularly for an hour or more at a time. These regulations do not extend to workers who use DSE infrequently or for short durations."
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 stipulates that the 'responsible person' is accountable for ensuring that all employees receive appropriate fire safety training. Furthermore,