All Our Courses

Here you will find our entire range of online courses. Use the search bar for a specific training course you are looking for or use the categories list below to see courses within that category. 

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Unconscious Bias Training for Management

This online training course is designed for the use of the management team in any organisation. It aims to help the user identify and reduce biases in the workplace and helps to work towards compliance with The Equality and Diversity Act 2010. By taking this course, the user should be able to reduce the negative impact unconscious bias can have on organisations, understand their responsibilities, and know how biases are formed.

Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers

This online Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers course was designed for the use of managers in the workplace to increase awareness of mental health issues and illnesses. This course can be completed in just 50 minutes and provides the user with a printable certificate upon completion of the end-of-training test.

Bullying & Harassment Training for Managers

This online training course is designed for the leaders and managers within your organisation. It aims to help the user to create a positive culture by providing practical guidance for preventing bullying in the workplace. The course covers the importance of zero tolerance bullying policies, handling complaints, the differences are between bullying and harassment, and how to prevent and tackle bullying and harassment at work.