Fire Awareness Training in Construction


This course was designed specifically for those working in the construction sector to educate them on how to prevent fires, how to properly use a fire extinguisher, how to recognise fire signs, and proper emergency procedure to ensure a safe evacuation of the working premises.

Fire Awareness training is a legal requirement for all employees in the UK. This is covered in the CDM regulations and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Ensure that you are showing due diligence with current legislation by getting all staff to undertake this short and cost-effective training course.

Designed specifically for this sector, our training course includes information that is specific to construction sites.



Course Duration

35 mins (approx)



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Welcome to the Fire Awareness in Construction training. This comprehensive program is aimed at those in construction settings, focusing on fire safety. We start by exploring the nature of fire. Next, we’ll delve into fire signage and hazard identification. Following that, learn how to respond upon discovering a fire. We’ll also cover the use of fire extinguishers. Throughout this training, essential topics are divided into the following key sections:

  1. The Nature of Fire : Start by grasping the fundamental principles of fire, which include the fire triangle (fuel, oxygen, heat) and the mechanisms of fire spread. Following that, become aware of the potential consequences of uncontrolled fires in construction sites and understand the critical importance of fire prevention measures. Subsequently, acquire insights into the significance of early detection and the vital role of prompt response.
  2. Fire Signage : Effective fire signage is critical for safety in construction environments. Explore the various types of fire signs used on construction sites, including exit signs, fire equipment signs, and emergency evacuation routes. Learn how to interpret these signs, locate emergency exits, and follow designated evacuation routes to ensure the safety of workers and visitors.
  3. Fire Hazards : Identifying and mitigating fire hazards is essential for preventing fires in construction sites. This section will help you recognize common fire hazards, such as electrical equipment, welding operations, flammable materials, and temporary heating sources. Learn how to report hazards promptly and implement measures to minimize the risk of fires in construction.
  4. Discovering a Fire : Responding effectively upon discovering a fire is crucial to prevent its escalation. Understand the steps to take when you discover a fire, including alerting others, activating fire alarms, and using fire-fighting equipment when safe to do so. Learn the importance of evacuating the area immediately if the fire is beyond your control.
  5. Fire Extinguishers : Portable fire extinguishers are valuable tools for controlling small fires in construction settings. Learn about the types of fire extinguishers, their color codes, and the classes of fires they can combat. Discover the PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) technique for using fire extinguishers effectively. Understand the limitations of portable extinguishers and when it is appropriate to use them while considering the safety of all individuals on the construction site.

By the end of this Fire Awareness in Construction training, you will possess the necessary knowledge and skills. First, you’ll enhance fire safety. Next, you’ll learn to recognize and mitigate fire hazards. Then, you’ll understand how to respond to fire discoveries. Additionally, you’ll master the use of portable fire extinguishers when needed. Your dedication to this training will lead to a safer construction environment for all workers and visitors. Let’s start our journey towards better fire awareness and preparedness in construction settings.